Place born
Organisation / Person
1839-1913, civil engineer, Scottish; British

Arrol, Sir William

1839 - 1913

1838-1914, photographer; politician, British

Stone, Sir John Benjamin

1838 - 1914

1837-1888, astronomer; science writer, British; English

Proctor, Richard Anthony

1837 - 1888

1839 -1909, medallist; sculptor, French

Chaplain, Jules-Clément

1839 - 1909

1839-1894, photographer, Austrian

Angerer, Victor

1839 - 1894

1835-1992, lithographer; engraver; printer, Glasgow

MacLure and MacDonald

1835 - 1992

active 1839-1920, manufacturing chemist, British

Clay and Abraham Limited

1839 - 1920

1839 -1986, locomotive manufacturer, Mulhouse, Alsace, France, French

Societe Alsacienne de Constructions Mecaniques

1839 - 1986

1838-1902, mechanical engineer, British; English

Brotherhood, Peter

1838 - 1902

1835-1909, 1st Baron Amherst of Hackney, book collector, British

Amhurst, William Amhurst Tyssen-

1835 - 1909

1836-1922, inventor; tool manufacturer, American

Starrett, Leroy S.

1836 - 1922

1835-1909, King of the Belgians, reigned 1865-1909

Leopold II of Belgium

1835 - 1909

c. 1835- c.1930, lamp makers, British

Messenger & Sons

1835 - 1930

1837-1911, sculptor; medallist, Austrian

Tautenhayn, Josef Hermann

1837 - 1911

1836-1844, railway company

Northern & Eastern Counties Railway

1836 - 1844

1837-1920, chemist, French

Gautier, Armand Emile Justin

1837 - 1920

1837-1908, physician, French

Terrier, Louis Felix

1837 - 1908

1838-1907, physician, British; English

Sansom, Arthur Ernest

1838 - 1907

1836-1908, physician; dermatologist, British

Squire, Alexander John Balmanno

1836 - 1908

1836-1917, physician, British

Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett

1836 - 1917

1899-1912, iron works and shipbuilding, Blackwall, London, England, British

Thames Ironworks, Shipbuilding and Engineering Company Limited

1835 - 1912

1839-1917, organic chemist, American

Crafts, James Mason

1839 - 1917

1839-1925, pathologist, German

Naunyn, Bernhard

1839 - 1925

1836-1906, locomotive engineer, British

Webb, Francis William

1836 - 1906

1839-1917, magician, British

Maskelyne, John Nevil

1839 - 1917

1836-1902, artist; caricaturist, French

Tissot, James Jacques Joseph

1836 - 1902

1837-1928, gynaecologist, British

Smith, Heywood

1837 - 1928

1835-1908, politician; physicist, Scottish; British

Campbell, Archibald Campbell

1835 - 1908

1837-1901, inventor of a type of fountain pen, American

Waterman, Lewis Edson

1837 - 1901

1835-1890, teacher of deaf people; inventor; Danish

Hansen, Hans Rasmus Malling Johan

1835 - 1890

1836-1845, publisher, London, England

Darton and Clark

1836 - 1845

1835-1890, engineer, Canadian born; Scottish parentage

Inglis, William

1835 - 1890

1835-1917, Royal Naval Commander, British

Fitzmaurice, James Terence

1835 - 1917

1839-1913, optical, mathematical & electrical instrument maker, British

Apps, Alfred

1839 - 1913

Mather, Sir William

1838 - 1920

Tate, Alexander Norman

1837 - 1892

1839-1889, artist; caricaturist for Vanity Fair, Italian; British

Pellegrini, Carlo

1803 - 1889

1837-1923, physicist, Dutch

Waals, Johannes Diderik van der

1837 - 1923

1837-1921, photographer and travel writer, Scottish

Thomson, John

1837 - 1921

1837-c.1969, optical instrument manufacturer, London, England

W Watson and Sons Limited

1837 - 1969

1836-1893, daughter of William Henry Fox Talbot, British

Talbot, Ela Therese

1836 - 1804

1836-1903, locomotive manufacturer, Glasgow

Neilson and Co.

1836 - 1903

1839-1922, railway company, British

London & South Western Railway

1839 - 1922

1835-1948, railway company, British

Great Western Railway

1835 - 1948

1897-1968, engineering and manufacturing: agricultural; marine; civil; and aeronautical, Norwich, Norfolk, England, British

Boulton and Paul Limited

1812 - 1968

1866-1883, railway company, United Kingdom

Llynvi & Ogmore Railway

628 - 1883

1836-1862, railway company, British

Eastern Counties Railway

1836 - 1862

1837-1922, railway company, Carlise

Maryport & Carlisle Railway

1837 - 1922

1836-1876, railway company, Bristol

Bristol & Exeter Railway

1836 - 1876

1837-1859, railway company, United Kingdom

Lancaster & Preston Junction Railway

1837 - 1859